Dr. James Locascio’s research background is on the use of passive acoustics to measure underwater sound production of fishes associated with courtship and spawning. Most of his dissertation research was conducted on Sciaenids fishes (drums), now he applies these methods to reef fish spawning aggregations mainly. He uses other acoustic methods in his research including SONAR and acoustic tags and receivers, the latter on a variety of species. He also studies fish communities and recruitment in tidal creek systems. He us interested in broadening his research to include the development and application of novel tags to better understand the role of sound production in the behavior of spawning fishes and the use of genetics and physical oceanography to understand the connection between adult sources and juvenile recruits in fisheries.
B.S. Marine Biology, Texas A&M University at Galveston
Ph.D. Marine Science, University of South Florida, College of Marine Science 2010
Current Publications
Additional Publications
Locascio, J., Mann, D., Wilcox, K., Luther, M. (2018). Incorporation of Acoustic Sensors on a Coastal Ocean Monitoring Platform for Measurements of Biological Activity. Mar. Technol. Soc. J., 64-70.
Koenig1, C. C. , L. S. Bueno, F. C. Coleman, J. A. Cusick, R. D. Ellis, K. Kingon, J. V.
Locascio, C. Malinowski, D. J. Murie, C. D. Stallings. 2016. Diel, lunar and seasonal spawning patterns of the Atlantic Goliath Grouper, Epinephelus itajara, in Florida, United States. Bull. Mar. Sci. in press
Mann, D., Locascio, J. and Wall, C. 2016. Listening in the Ocean: New discoveries and insights on marine life from autonomous passive acoustic recorders in Au, W.W.L and Lammers, M.O (Eds), Listening in the Ocean (309-324). New York: Springer Science + Business Media
Locascio, James V., and Michael L. Burton. 2016. A passive acoustic survey of fish sound production at Riley’s Hump within Tortugas South Ecological Reserve; implications regarding spawning and habitat use. Fish Bull. 114(1): 103-116.
Locascio, J.V., S. Burghardt, and D.A. Mann. 2012. Quantitative and Temporal Relationships of Egg Production and Sound Production by Black Drum, Pogonias cromis. J. Fish. Biol. 81. 1175-1191.
Schaerer, M.T., Nemeth, M.I., Mann, D.A., Locascio, J.V., Appeldoorn, R.S., and Rowell, T.J. 2012. Sound Production and Reproductive Behavior of Yellowfin Grouper, Mycteroperca Venenosa (Serranidae) at a Spawning Aggregation. Copeia 2012(1): 136-145.
Locascio, J.V. and D.A. Mann. 2011b. Localization and source level estimates of black drum (Pogonias cromis). J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 130(4), 1868-1879.
Locascio, J.V. and D.A. Mann. 2011a. Diel and seasonal timing of black drum sound production. Fish Bull. 109(3) 327-338.
Mann, D., Locascio, J., Schärer, M., Nemeth, M., and Appeldoorn, R. 2010. Sound production by red hind (Epinephelus guttatus) in spatially segregated spawning aggregations. Aquatic Biology. 10: 149-154.
Mann, D.A., J.V. Locascio, F.C. Coleman, and C.C. Koenig. 2009. Goliath grouper (Epinephelus itajara) sound production and movement patterns on aggregation sites. Endang. Species Res. 7(3), 229-236.
Locascio, J.V., and D.A. Mann. 2008. Diel periodicity of fish sound production in Charlotte Harbor, Florida., Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 137(2), 606-615.
Locascio, J.V., and D.A. Mann. 2005. Acute effects of Hurricane Charley on fish chorusing. Roy. Soc. Biol. Lett. 1, 362-365.
Adams, A.J., J.V. Locascio, and B.D. Robbins. 2004. Microhabitat use by a post-settlement stage estuarine fish: evidence from relative abundance and predation among habitats. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 299. 17-33.
Rudershausen, P.J., J.V.Locascio, and L.M. Rojas. 2003. A survey of epifauna among macrophytes in a southwest Florida estuary. Fla. Sci. 66(3) 168-183.
Locascio, J.V., P.J. Rudershausen, and M.M. Stein. 2001. An assessment of the ‘leaf pack’ technique for measuring heterotrophic turnover of plant litter applied to the estuarine environment of southwest Florida using Thalassia testudinum and Rhizophora mangle. Fla. Sci. 64(4) 306-319.
Locascio, J.V., and P.J. Rudershausen. 2001. Mercury levels in gafftopsail catfish from Tarpon Bay, Sanibel, Florida, USA Bull. Envrion. Contam. Toxicol. 67(4) 510-518.
Locascio, J.V., and P.J. Rudershausen. 2000. An evaluation of mercury levels in spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus, in Tarpon Bay, J.N. ‘Ding’ Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Sanibel, Florida, with reference to previous studies. Fla. Sci. 63(1) 256-260.