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Mote Research


Our Findings at Your Fingertips

Explore Mote Marine Laboratory's latest marine science by searching and browsing our peer-reviewed scientific journal articles, books and chapters.

This page launched in 2024 and is continually adding new citations. Thanks for your patience as we continue to upload Mote's collection dating back to the 1930s. See all citations by year in our annual reports.

2023 Scientific Publications

Sayigh, L. S., El Haddad, N., Tyack, P. L., Janik, V. M., Wells, R. S., & Jensen, F. H. (2023). Bottlenose dolphin mothers modify signature whistles in the presence of their own calves. Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, 27(27).
Courtney N. Klepac, Katherine R. Eaton, Chelsea G. Petrik, Lindsay N. Arick, Emily R. Hall and Erinn M. Muller (2023). Symbiont composition and coral genotype determines massive coral species performance under end-of-century climate scenarios. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 164.
DiMaggio, K. M., Acevedo, M. A., McHugh, K. A., Wilkinson, K. A., Allen, J. B., Wells, R. S. (2023). The fitness consequences of human-wildlife interactions on foraging common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Sarasota Bay, Florida. Marine Mammal Science, 1-17. 10.1111/mms.13042
Fhalman, A., Allen, A., Blawas, A., Sweeny, J., Stone, Rae., Faulkner Trainor, R., Jensen, F. H., McHugh, K., Allen, J. B., Barleycorn, A. A., Wells, R. S. (2023). Surface and diving metabolic rates, and dynamic aerobic dive limits (dADL) in near- and off-shore bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops spp., indicate that deep diving is energetically cheap.. Marine Mammal Science, 1-18.
Schwacke, L. H., Thomas, L., Wells, R. S., Rowles, T. K., Bossart, G. D., Townsend Jr, F., Mazzoil, M., Allen, J. B., Balmer, B. C., Barleycorn, A. A., Barratclough, A., Burt, L., De Guise, S., Fauquier, D., Gomez, F. M., Kellar, N. M., Schwacke, J. H., Speakman, T. R., Stolen, E. D., Quigley, B. M., Zolman, E. S., Smith, C. R. (2023). An expert-based system to predict population survival rate from health data. Conservation biology, e14073.
Thomas Parkerton, Michel Boufade, Trond Nordtug, Carys Mitchelmore, Kat Colvin, Dana Wetzel, Mace G Barron, Gail E Bragin, Benjamin de Jourdan, Jennifer Loughery (2023). Recommendations for advancing media preparation methods used to assess aquatic hazards of oils and spill response agents. Aquatic toxicology, 259, 106518.
Shikha Grover, Thao Pham, Anna Jones, Cristina Sinobas-Pereira, Marina Villoch Diaz Maurino, Evan C. Garrad, Nyasha J. Makoni, Antanisha Parks, Ryan J. Domalewski, Gabriel Riggio, Hannah An, Kunhua Chen, Michael R. Nichols (2023). A new class of monoclonal Aβ antibodies selectively target and trigger deposition of Aβ protofibrils. Journal of Neurochemistry.
Dr. Kenneth Hoadley, Grant Lockridge, Audrey McQuagge, K. Blue Pahl, Sean Lowry, Sophie Wong, Zachary Craig, Chelsea Petrik, Courtney Klepac, Erinn Muller (2023). A phenomic modeling approach for using chlorophyll-a fluorescence-based measurements on coral photosymbionts. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 379.
Stephanie M. Rosales, Lindsay K. Huebner, James S. Evans, Amy Apprill, Andrew C. Baker, Cynthia C. Becker, Anthony J. Bellantuono, Marilyn E. Brandt, Abigail S. Clark, Javier del Campo, Caroline E. Dennison , Katherine R. Eaton, Naomi E. Huntley, Christina A. Kellogg, Mónica Medina, Julie L. Meyer, Erinn M. Muller, Mauricio Rodriguez-Lanetty, Jennifer L. Salerno, William B. Schill, Erin N. Shilling, Julia Marie Stewart and Joshua D. Voss (2023). A meta-analysis of the stony coral tissue loss disease microbiome finds key bacteria in unaffected and lesion tissue in diseased colonies. ISME Journal, 3, 19.
J. Grace Klinges1,2*, Shalvi H. Patel1 , William C. Duke1 , Erinn M. Muller2,3 & Rebecca L.VegaThurber1 (2023). Microbiomes of a disease – resistant genotype of Acropora cervicornis are resistant to acute, but not chronic, nutrient enrichment. Scientific Reports, 13, 3617.
Brianna V. Cahill1, 4,*, Kayla L. McCulloch2, Breanna C. DeGroot1, Kim Bassos-Hull3, Matthew J. Ajemian1 (2023). Breaking bags and crunching clams: assessing whitespotted eagle ray interactions with hard clam aquaculture gear. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, Vol. 15 , 59–71.
Lettrich, M.D., Asaro, M.J., Borggaard, D.L., Dick, D.M., Griffis, R.B., Litz, J.A., Orphanides, C.D., Palka, D.L., Soldevilla, M.S., Balmer, B., Chavez, S., Cholewiak, D., Claridge, D., Ewing, R.Y., Fazioli, K.L., Fertl, D., Fougeres, E.M., Gannon, D., Garrison, L., Gilbert, J., Gorgone, A., Hohn, A., Horstman, S., Josephson, B., Kenney, R.D., Kiszka, J.J., Maze-Foley, K., McFee, W., Mullin, K.D., Murray, K., Pendelton, D.E., Robbins, J., Roberts, J.J., Rodriguez-Ferrer, G., Ronje, E.I., Rosel, P.E., Speakman, T., Stanistreet, J.E., Stevens, T., Stolen, M., Tyson Moore, R., Vollmer, N.L., Wells, R., Whitehead, H.R., Whitt, A. (2023). Vulnerability to climate change of United States marine mammal stocks in the western North Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean. PLOS ONE, 18(9), 1-37.
Mark Patterson, Susan Patterson, Ethan Edson, Sara Williams, Jessica Torossian, Amanda Dwyer (2023). Cosplay as a Novel Method for Outreach in Ocean Science. Current: The Journal of Marine Education, 38(1), 16-27.
Jacob Andrew Lasala, Melissa C. Macksey, Kristen T. Mazzarella, Kevan L. Main, Jerris J. Foote, Anton D. Tucker (2023). Forty years of monitoring increasing sea turtle relative abundance in the Gulf of Mexico. Scientific Reports, 2023(13), 17213.
Cynthia Becker, Laura Weber, Brian Zgliczynski, Chris Sullivan, Stuart Sandin, Abigail Clark, Melissa Soule, Krista Longnecker, Elizabeth Kujawinski, Amy Apprill (2023). Microorganisms and dissolved metabolites distinguish Floridas Coral Reef habitats. PNAS Nexus, 2(9), 287.
Simona A. Ceriani, Susan Murasko, David S. Addison, David Anderson, Greg Curry , Nicole A. Desjardin, Scott F. Eastman, Daniel R. Evans, Nancy Evou, Mariana M. P. B. Fuentes, Matthew H. Godfrey, Kristen M. Hart, Paul Hillbrand, Sarah E. Hirsch, Cody R. Mott, Katherine L. Mansfield, Kristen T. Mazzarella, Sarah V. Norris, S. Michelle Pate, Katrina F. Phillips, Kirt W. Rusenko, Brian M. Shamblin, Amber Stevenson, Kelly A. Sloan, Anton D. Tucker, Ryan C. Welsh and Paolo Casale (2023). Monitoring population-level foraging distribution of a marine migratory species from land: strengths and weaknesses of the isotopic approach on the Northwest Atlantic loggerhead turtle aggregation. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 1.
Sergei P. Boudko, Aspirnauts, Vadim K. Pedchenko, Elena N. Pokidysheva, Alena M. Budko, Rachel Baugh , Patrick Toby Coates, Aaron L. Fidler, Heather M. Hudson, Sergey V. Ivanov, Carl Luer, Tetyana Pedchenko, Robert L. Preston, Mohamed Rafi, Roberto Vanacore, Gautam Bhave, Julie K. Hudson, and Billy G. Hudson (2023). Collagen IV of basement membranes: III. Chloride pressure is a primordial innovation that drives and maintains the assembly of scaffolds. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 299(11), 105318.
Beth Brady, Carly Sarbacker, Jake Andrew Lasala, Maria Maust-Mohl, Kristi Ashley Collom, Linda Searle, Laura J. May-Collado, Eric Angel Ramos (2023). Manatees display diel trends in acoustic activity at two microhabitats in Belize. PLOS ONE, 18(11), e0294600. pone.0294600
Emily R. Hall, L. Kellie Dixon, Gary Kirkpatrick, Ari Nissanka, Brad Pederson (2023). Phytoplankton communities of the west coast of Florida – multiyear and seasonal responses to nutrient enrichment. Harmful Algae, 130, 102547.