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Lynne Byrd

Rehabilitation & Medical Care Manager

Aquarium, Mote’s Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Hospital

Today's Research for Tomorrow's Oceans


Lynne Byrd has thirty years of experience in protected species rehabilitative care, with special emphasis on cetacean medical assessment and treatment, emergency care techniques, new animal assessment and acclimation, and training of behaviors necessary for health and welfare. She actively participated in the rescue and care of over thirteen species of small cetaceans, five species of sea turtles, manatees, and otters. Ms. Byrd was supervisory veterinary technician for the successful rehabilitation and release of numerous stranded cetaceans involving both single and multiple animals, multiple sea turtle cold-stunning and red tide events, and secondary care for sea turtles oiled during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. She has extensive experience working with and training staff and volunteers. Ms. Byrd has developed educational programs for volunteers and the public, and has taught classes for stranding program volunteers and veterinary students. Prior to joining Mote Marine Laboratory, Ms. Byrd worked as a veterinary technician for several small animal/exotic veterinary practices. Her medical care skills include assisting in surgery/anesthesia, fluid therapy, radiography, emergency medicine, administering medications, monitoring vital signs, and animal handling. Lynne Byrd manages and/or performs all aspects of laboratory procedures including hematology, blood chemistries, cytology, parasitology, urinalyses, and a limited amount of microbiology. Ms. Byrd is currently responsible for all medical record keeping for the Animal Rehabilitation Hospitals, and resident animals at Mote Marine laboratory and Aquarium. 


B.A. in Psychology/Biology, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida
A.A.S. in Veterinary Technology, Bel-Rea Institute of Animal Technology, Denver, Colorado

Current Publications

Moncada, F., Nodarse, G., Valido, L., Byrd, L., Lovewell, G., Blackburn, J., Kincaid, A. L. (2021). Juvenile Loggerhead (Caretta caretta) Head-started in Cuba Recaptured in Florida. Marine Turtle Newsletter, 163, 17-19.
Greene, W., Mylniczenko, N.D., Storms, T., Burns, C.M., Lewbart, G.A., Byrd, L., Papich, M.G. (2020). Pharmacokinetics of Ketoprofen in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7.0, 7:585324.
Greene, W., Lee, V. M., Byrd, L., Denum, L., Boerner, K., Stamper, M. A. (2021). Presentation and Management of Dental Pad Fractures in Two Florida Manatees (Trichechus Manatus Latirostris). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 52(3), 1084-1089.
Greene, W., Chan, B., Bromage, E., Grose, J. H., Walsh, C., Kortright, K., Forrest, S., Perry, G., Byrd, L., Stamper, M. A. (2021). The Use of Bacteriophages and Immunological Monitoring for the Treatment of a Case of Chronic Septicemic Cutaneous Ulcerative Disease in a Loggerhead Sea Turtle Caretta caretta. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, 33(3), 139-154.

Additional Publications

2021 Sept Greene, W.,V. Lee, L. Byrd, L. Denum, K. Boerner, and M.A. Stamper. PRESENTATION AND MANAGEMENT OF DENTAL PLATE FRACTURES IN TWO FLORIDA MANATEES (TRICHECHUS MANATUS LATIROSTRIS) Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine Ref.: Ms. No. 2020-0188R3

2021Apr/July Moncada, F., G. Nodarse, L. Valido, L. Byrd, G. Lovewell, J. Blackburn, and A.L. Kincaid. Juvenile Loggerhead (Caretta Caretta) Head-started in Cuba Recaptured In Florida. Marine Turtle Newsletter; Issue Number 163 April/July 2021.

2021 Mar Greene, W., B. Chan, E. Bromage, J. H. Grose, C.Walsh, K. Kortright, S.Forrest, G. Perry, L. Byrd, and M.A. Stamper. The use of bacteriophages and immunological monitoring for the treatment of a case of chronic septicemic cutaneous ulcerate disease (SCUD) in a loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) Journal of Aquatic Animal Health-Manuscript ID UAAH-2020-0036.R1 (9/12/20)

2020 Greene, W., N.D. Mylniczenko, T. Storms, C.M. Burns, G.A. Lewbart, L. Byrd, and M.G. Papich. Pharmacokinetics of Ketoprofen in Nile Tilapia (Oreochrmis niloticus) and Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Frontiers Veterinary Science 07 October 2020

2018 Manire, C.A., Reiber, C.M., Gaspar, C., Rhinehart, H.L., Byrd, L., Sweeney, J., West, K.L.. Blood chemistry and hematology values in healthy and rehabilitated rough-toothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis). J. Wildl. Dis., 54(1)1-13. doi:10.7589/2016-07-152

2009 Wells, R.S., C.A. Manire, L. Byrd, D.R. Smith, J.G. Gannon, D. Fauquier, and K.D. Mullin. In Press. First records of movements and dive patterns of Risso’s dolphins, Grampus griseus, in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean, from a rehabilitated individual. Marine Mammal Science.
2008 Manire,C.A., M. Kinsel, E. Anderson, T.Clauss, and L. Byrd. Lungworm infection in three loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 39:92-98.

2008 Manire, C.A., L. Byrd, C.L. Therrien, and K. Martin. Mating-induced ovulation in loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta. Zoo Biology 27:213-225.

200x. Manire, C.A., C.M. Reiber, K.L. West, C. Gaspar, H. Rhinehart, L. Byrd, and J. Sweeney. In review. Blood chemistry and hematology values in healthy and rehabilitated rough-toothed dolphins, Steno bredanenis. Journal of Wildlife Diseases.

2007 Manire, C.A., B.A. Stacey, M. Kinsel, H. Daniels, J. Wellehan, E. Anderson, and L. Byrd. In prep. Proliferative dermatitis in two sea turtles associated with novel papillomaviruses. Veterinary Microbiology.  

2007 Manire, C.A., C.M. Reiber, K.L. West, C. Gasper, H. Rhinehart, L. Byrd, and J. Sweeney. In prep. Blood chemistry and hematology values in healthy and rehabilitated rough-toothed dolphins, Steno bredanensis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A.

2007 Manire, C.A., L. Byrd, C.L. Therrien, and K. Martin. In prep. Mating-induced ovulation in loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta.  Zoo Biology.

2007 Manire, C.A., M. Kinsel, E. Anderson, T. Clauss, and L. Byrd. In press. Lungworm infection in two loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta.  Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine.

2006 Manire, C.A., K.A. Smolarek, C.H. Romero, M.J. Kinsel, T.M. Clauss, and L. Byrd. Proliferative dermatitis associated with a novel alphaherpesvirus in an Atlantic Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncates). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 37:174-181.

2005 Manire, C.A., R.P. Hunter, D.E. Koch, L. Byrd, and H.L. Rhinehart. Pharmacokinetics of ticarcillin in the loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta, after single intravenous and intramuscular injections. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36:44-53.

2004 Manire, C.A., H.L. Rhinehart, N.B. Barros, L. Byrd, and P. Cunningham-Smith. An approach to the rehabilitation of Kogia spp. Aquatic Mammals30(2):257-270.

2003 Baird, C., Byrd, L., and Cunningham-Smith, P., Modifying basic husbandry training and enrichment to fit the abilities and temperaments of two sea turtles.  Soundings Volume 28:2 pp 4-6. June 2003.

2003 Rhinehart, H.L., C.A. Manire, L. Byrd, and M.M. Garner. Use of human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in a green sea turtle, Chelonia mydas.Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery 13(2):10-14.

2002 Charles A. Manire, D.V.M.,  Lynne Byrd, B. A., C.V.T., Howard L. Rhinehart, B.A., C.V.T., Petra Cunningham-Smith, B.A., and David R. Smith. Subacute atropine toxicity in a pygmy sperm whale, Kogia breviceps. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 33:66-72.