Species Type:
Common Name(s):
Black drum
Black drum can grow up to 67 inches (5.5 feet) long. The heaviest black drum caught in Florida weighed 96 pounds.
Black drum feed on other fish, as well as oysters, mussels, crabs, and shrimp.
Range & Habitat:
Black drum are bottom-dwelling, inshore fish. They can be found in bays, river mouths, and lagoons, often seen around oyster beds, docks, and pilings. Juveniles live in estuaries. They range from New England to Florida, as well as the Gulf of Mexico.
The black drum is the largest species of drum. They have a highly arched back. Their backs are gray or black, and fade to a white belly. Juveniles have 4 to 6 vertical stripes, but these stripes fade as they mature. Black drum also have barbels on their lower jaw.