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Areas of Research

Biomedical & Technology Development

Today's Research for Tomorrow's Oceans

At Mote Marine Laboratory, our biomedical and technology development research is dedicated to unlocking the oceans’ most powerful secrets.

Our innovators investigate new marine sources of medicine, novel methods to reduce the impacts of red tide and other harmful algae, and smart strategies and tools to take the pulse of our oceans. To achieve our goals, Mote recruits and nurtures the best and brightest scientists in our field—often by leading state- or national-level, multi-partner initiatives to tackle complex challenges head on.

By the Numbers

red tide mitigation options tested

to date by the Mote-FWC Florida Red Tide Mitigation & Technology Development Initiative as of fall 2023.

marine microbial isolates screened

this year by Mote to check for disease-fighting properties. 18.3% of these isolates can fight one or more pathogens.

days at sea

mission recently completed by Mote's underwater robotic glider to monitor ocean conditions relevant to red tide research

stingray venoms screened this year

from spotted eagle rays, Atlantic stingrays and cownose rays for bioactivity against 3 human cell lines by Mote and University of South Florida. Studying venom can lead to discovering novel drugs.


joined Mote, NOAA and University of Maryland in a new national program: the U.S. Harmful Algal Blooms Control Technologies Incubator (US HAB-CTI) focused on mitigating the impacts of nationwide saltwater and freshwater algae.

global decline in seagrass estimated since the 1800s.

Mote launched the new Seagrass Ecosystem Restoration Program in 2023 and is administering the new Seagrass Restoration Technology Development Initiative is established within the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (Department) and in collaboration with Mote and University of Florida.


Florida Red Tide Mitigation & Technology Development Initiative

Seagrass underwater.

Centers of Excellence

Each Center of Excellence brings together Mote scientists, often with external partners, to focus on pressing topics in marine science, conservation and education.

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